Pulmonary Medicine


 Slow ventilator weaning

Article Author

Ramesh Kaul ,MD, MS, FCCP

1. Rest patient on full support various modes include PRVC, AC, SIMV and wean

thrice a day on Pressure Support, Volume Support or SIMV with low rate.

2.Increase duration each day of time till the each session blends with the next one.

3.Give spontaneous breathing trials each session till patient shows signs of fatigue

4. Do ABG as each step is reached, if changing from Assist Control to SIMV do  ABG and the each step calculate work of breathing and document effects on every system. Thus  show good blood pressure and arrhythmia control. document improvement in skin and integuments. Nourishment and absence of Ileus and diarrhea. Mention mentation and improved cognition and better muscle control.



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