Pulmonary Medicine                                        ISSN 1930-6741



Article Author

Ramesh Kaul ,MD, MS, FCCP

The major issues in Pulmonary practice is various types of weaning off Ventilator strategy and to decide which one to use when a difficult wean.

Essentially we can have a slow weaning or rapid weaning. At times we have to use a hybrid or switch from one style to another.      Aim is to get the patient off the ventilator safely without failures.

RAPID VENTILATOR WEANING : this is a common method for acute drug overdose, post operative care, acute Congestive heart Failure, Status asthmaticus, COPD with exacerbation,

SLOW VENTILATOR WEANING: this is used for Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Sepsis with multi-organ failure, Exacerbation of Neuro-Muscular diseases, Burns, trauma, Post operative with major complications, End Stage COPD and Inhalation Injuries.

Slow weans are for Patients who are tracheotomised and are in Long Term care Settings.

about ventilators go to this link http://neonatal.peds.washington.edu/NICU-WEB/vents.stm

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